Lavish Bookshelf Review
Great children's chapter book for a unit study about the Oregon Trail. The Oregon Trail is a very important portion of history in the founding of the West. Books like West to Oregon with Ollie Ox allow kids to experience the trail firsthand, through the eyes of a friendly ox, in order to learn more about it.
West to Oregon with Ollie Ox by Melanie Richardson is a children's chapter book that is educational and entertaining! Ollie Ox is the main character of this book which allows readers to identify with just how difficult the Oregon Trail trek must have been. Although Ollie is an animal that was used on the trail for transporting, in this book Ollie Ox also has human emotions (excited about the trip, tired and scared). Ollie doesn't interact with his family by speaking, but does share the family's trials.
This book would be great as a reader to assign to a child and also as a read-aloud for families to enjoy together. The book would be best suited for late elementary aged children as a few of the hardships of the Oregon Trail are detailed, which might be strong for a young child. West to Oregon with Ollie Ox would be a great book to use as a base for a unit study on the Oregon Trail.
I received this book complimentary from the author in exchange for an honest review but the opinion is all mine.
— Lavish Bookshelf Review